Welcome to Lucas' Homepage!

It's Been A While...

I'm Lucas. When I first wrote this, the date was October 7th, 2022.

Now... it's December 22nd, 2024. Time flies...

About Me...

Hey there! I'm Lucas. Here's a couple things about me. I'm about to graduate High School. My favorite color is green, and my favorite animals are penguins. I'm a side-sleeper, and I'll never drink seltzer. Hopefully, this was very helpful! (not)

Why I Code... My Projects!

I forgot almost everything on coding, so I need to re-learn a lot...:

  1. I need to decipher what's going on here...
  2. I need to fix the various errors scattered around here.
  3. I eventually want to put a frutiger-aero style on this site.

My Favorite Project... so far: Career Website

Former Favorite: Endangered Animals

My First Project: First HTML Page

Latest Project: Photo Portfolio

Former Host Site: Former Host Site